11 Common Symptoms for MS Patients
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory and neurodegenerative condition that can cause serious problems all over your body. It can lead to a breakdown of the protective barrier around the nerves and make it difficult for the brain to communicate with your body effectively. The cause of MS is not known but doctors explain the long-term effects and common issues that affect people with MS. Read on to know more.
1. Emotional problems
Since MS can have an impact on the functioning of your brain, it can alter one’s emotions and lead to mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, frustration, stress, etc.
2. Brain dysfunction
One of the most common issues that affect people with MS is brain interruption. They may become forgetful, confused, struggle to think clearly, and experience other cognitive changes that can result from MS. In some cases, people may also complain about vertigo, seizures, dizziness, fainting spells, and tremors.
3. Trouble swallowing
MS leads to nerve damage that can make it difficult for people suffering from this condition to swallow. As a result, they are exposed to risks of choking, coughing, and other related complications.
4. Vision problems
Vision problems are also common in people with MS. They are one of the first symptoms of the condition. If you experience blurriness, eye pain, poor contrast, and double vision, visit your doctor immediately.
5. Changes in voice
You may notice changes in your speech that includes slurring; difficulty in maintaining your pitch and volume; hoarseness; and difficulty in articulation.
6. Breathing difficulties
Nerve damage along the spinal cord and debilitating trunk muscles can cause pain, fatigue, and inflammation when you breathe.
7. Heightened cardiovascular risk
According to recent research, women with MS are at an increased risk of suffering from heart-related problems, such as stroke and heart disease.
8. Weakened immunity
When you have MS, your immune system will be affected. One could become susceptible to the risk of nutrient deficiencies, pneumonia, and inflammatory conditions. These infections can lead to flare-ups in MS symptoms.
9. Weakened bladder control
People with MS have a hard time controlling the urge to urinate. They may also struggle with bladder infections and urinary tract infections. Some people may also complain about constipation, diarrhea, or other digestive issues.
10. Sexual dysfunction
MS can harm your libido and prevent you from feeling naturally aroused. Since it causes fatigue and emotional changes, a person may also struggle to maintain a satisfying sexual relationship with their partner.
11. Muscle weakness
Nerve damage caused due to MS can have a negative impact on your gait, making it difficult for you to walk. Advanced MS can also weaken your muscles, making it necessary for you to use a walking aid.
While there is no way to treat MS, knowing about the effects of this disease can help an individual choose the right medications and therapies to alleviate the symptoms.