5 Risks and Complications of Anemia
Many anemia patients are either asymptomatic or have mild symptoms. Dietary changes and some iron supplements are prescribed to them. However, for cases with severe symptoms, a proper treatment plan needs to be brought under action. Leaving anemia untreated can have long-term effects and complications. Listed below are five such complications that can arise from this condition:
1. Heart disease
One of the long-term effects of anemia is heart disease. The heart of an anemic patient has to work harder than usual to make up for the deficiency of red blood cells that produce hemoglobin. This extra hard work can put a lot of load on the heart and cause various complications. Some long-term effects of anemia on the heart include heart failure, heart murmurs, and cardiac hypertrophy.
2. Problems with pregnancy
Anemia is a common complication during pregnancy, especially during the second and third trimesters. If it is left untreated and proper care is not taken, then it can lead to some severe problems, such as premature birth and the baby being born underweight. Also, the child can be at risk of developing anemia during infancy. For expecting mothers, anemia can increase the chances of blood loss at the time of labor.
3. Gastric cancer
This can be a long-term effect or complication of certain types of anemia, such as pernicious anemia. If you are suffering from this type of anemia, then you must closely monitor all your symptoms. If required, biopsies and imaging can also be called for during your visits to the doctor. In addition, there are other complications that need to be monitored regularly. These include, but are not limited to, problems with the digestive tract, peripheral nerve damage, and certain neurological problems.
4. Psychological disorders
Iron deficiency anemia is often linked to psychological disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Also, women who suffer from iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy are at a higher risk of developing postpartum depression.
5. Weakened immune system
Another negative impact of anemia is a compromised immune system in the long run. This makes you extremely susceptible to infections. And since the immune system is compromised, the body is unable to effectively fight those infections.