5 Foods to Avoid to Banish Dandruff and Flakes
Dandruff is a skin condition, which hampers your scalp and leads to greasy patches, flaking, and itchy skin. Though there is an array of over-the-counter topical medicines and shampoos to cure dandruff, some people also take active measures to treat dandruff at home. Through all this, your diet plays an active role in your scalp health. Here, we will address some of the foods to avoid treating dandruff.
1. High-mercury fish
High-mercury fish can result in hair loss over time as the mercury moves across the body, particularly among people who consume a lot of sushi. Some fish you need to cut out of your diet to cure dandruff include swordfish, mackerel, and some particular kinds of tuna.
2. Sugar
Americans usually eat a lot of sugar. Cutting back on your sugar intake can reduce the inflammation in the body and reduce the appearance of flakes. Simple carbs and sugar can add to inflammation in the body. Thus, it makes absolute sense to consume a low-sugar and antioxidant-rich diet, which can help combat dandruff. There is a probability of a hormonal link in this. If you consume a diet with a high degree of processed food, bad fats, and sugar, it can result in an insulin spike. This may also cause hormone surge in the body and can trigger oil production. Thus, cutting down on refined sugar, fried foods, fatty foods, gluten, and processed foods can cause a decline in flaking.
3. Champagne and white wine
You may think of a glass of wine as a way to relax after a long day at work, but it is not suitable for your hair and scalp. Drinking wine can trigger flakes on the scalp. More so, wine is pretty sweet and might negatively activate your blood sugar levels. This may be the cause of dandruff-flare-ups. Champagne, too, is bad for the same reason. Thus, before you pop champagne or pour that wine, you should think twice, especially if you are susceptible to flaking on the scalp.
4. Caffeine in coffee and tea
Consuming coffee can keep you more alert and leave you feeling less sleepy at work. However, if you consume excessive caffeine, it can lead to dandruff problems. Caffeine is a diuretic. It implies that it can make the body expel water. Excessive water excretion from the body can result in dry skin. This can make your skin dry and result in flaking on the scalp that is pretty much like dandruff. Caffeine is also found in soda, tea, and energy drinks.
5. Full-fat dairy
You must keep away from cheese-burst pizza, cheese platter, creamy dishes, or cheesy sandwich if you have dandruff. Consuming full-fat dairy items, especially cheese, can aggravate your dandruff. This can lead to inflammation in the body and can trigger dandruff flare-ups. So, if you are susceptible to developing a flaky scalp, you must avoid consuming full-fat dairy products, such as cream and cheese.
We hope that this guide on the foods to avoid to treat dandruff is helpful for you.