5 Potentially Harmful Foods for Schizophrenia

5 Potentially Harmful Foods for Schizophrenia

Eating the right food is essential, but it is all the more important for people with underlying health conditions like schizophrenia. Some foods can soothe the symptoms, while others can trigger them, and a poor diet combined with a mental illness can increase an individual’s susceptibility to physical ailments as well. Here are some foods to avoid for schizophrenia patients to boost their health.

1. Bread
Experts believe that wheat sensitivity can be a critical contributor to an individual’s mental health condition, especially for schizophrenia patients. Research has observed that some patients experienced improvement after switching to a gluten-free diet, and people with gluten sensitivity are at an increased risk of developing the condition. Gluten is naturally present in grains like wheat and barley, so it’s best to speak to a doctor before making any changes to the diet.

2. Refined sugar
Schizophrenia is primarily diagnosed among people who follow a poor diet. Additionally, people with schizophrenia are at a higher risk of developing diabetes, so a low-glycemic diet can prove beneficial. So, schizophrenia patients should avoid foods like candies, cakes, and sweetened beverages to prevent flare-ups and keep complications at bay.

3. Packaged foods
A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids helps boost and maintain mental health. At the same time, one must avoid excess omega-6 intake. That said, the average American diet contains less omega-3 and more omega-6 fats, which can disrupt the balance and affect one’s mental health, making them susceptible to physical and mental illnesses. Packaged and processed foods are rich in omega-6s and also contain preservatives and additives that are harmful to health. These artificial additives can trigger flare-ups or aggravate any existing health issues, so it’s best to steer clear of these foods.

4. Cold cuts
While animal meat is an excellent source of protein and can help boost overall health, all types are not necessarily good. Processed meats or cold cuts like pastrami, salami, cured bacon, and hot dogs can be toxic. All of these are packed with nitrates for preservation. This chemical significantly elevates the risk of mental illnesses, making deli meats one of the most important foods to avoid for schizophrenia patients.

5. Caffeinated foods and drinks
Although a small dose of caffeine may help improve one’s mood, caffeine intake throughout the day can lead to anxiety, frayed nerves, and jitters. This makes caffeinated foods and beverages among the top things to avoid when formulating a diet plan for schizophrenia patients. That said, it’s best not to suddenly eliminate caffeine from the diet if one has been consuming it for long. This can trigger flare-ups due to withdrawal, so one can simply reduce their caffeine consumption for better mental and emotional health.

Along with avoiding these foods, patients should include nutritious options like plenty of fruits and veggies to boost their mental health and keep further complications at bay.