5 Lifestyle Tips to Prevent Pancreatic Cancer
When cancer develops in the pancreas, it is called pancreatic cancer. As per estimates, more than 60,000 people in our country are expected to suffer from the condition in 2021. The disease often goes undetected in the initial stages and spreads rapidly. Although there is no way to avoid pancreatic cancer, specific lifestyle changes can significantly lower a person’s risk. So, in this article, we will discuss some lifestyle tips to prevent pancreatic cancer.
1. Quit smoking and tobacco
Tobacco consumption in any shape or form fast-tracks a person’s chances of cancer. Smoking is linked to cancers of the lung, mouth, throat, bladder, cervix, pancreas, or kidney. Chewing tobacco, on the other hand, can lead to pancreatic cancer. Even if one does not smoke or take tobacco, exposure to second-hand smoke can also increase the risk. Therefore, one’s best defense against the disease is to quit all forms of tobacco.
2. Follow a healthy diet
Experts say that a balanced diet can reduce cancer risk. A healthy diet consists of proteins, carbs, fats, vitamins, and minerals, all in a healthy proportion. A plant-based diet that includes raw fruits, veggies, and whole grains is perfect for the digestive system and puts less strain on the stomach and pancreas. One must also systematically cut out processed meats from the diet.
3. Maintain a healthy body weight
Maintaining healthy body weight is especially important because obese people are at a high risk of getting pancreatic cancer. One should add physical activity to their daily routine to keep their weight in check. It is advisable to incorporate at least 150 minutes a week of aerobic exercise or 75 minutes a week of HIIT exercise. Exercise not only prevents cancer but a host of other diseases as well. It is also essential for mental well-being.
4. Limit exposure to certain chemicals
Yes, exposure to specific chemicals can elevate a person’s risk of pancreatic cancer. If one works in the presence of chemicals like pesticides, benzene, or certain dyes, they must follow the safety guidelines faithfully. This will help lower the risk.
5. Get screened regularly
Pancreatic cancer is often called a silent killer because patients do not show any signs until the condition has reached an advanced stage. Hence, regular screening tests are necessary to check for any changes in the organ. Even if early symptoms occur, they are often vague and mistaken for something more benign. Hence, it is advisable to make a diagnosis before it becomes a severe health concern.
These are some lifestyle tips to prevent pancreatic cancer. One must see a doctor immediately for a comprehensive evaluation of the disease if one has persistent symptoms. Pancreatic cancer is treated through methods like chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and pancreatic transplant.