6 Foods to Avoid While Treating UTIs
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) occur due to bacteria in the urinary tract and lead to painful urination and cramping. They affect everyone and account for over 6 million doctor visits in the country each year, but women are more prone to UTIs as they have a shorter urethra. Medications can treat UTIs, but one should avoid the following foods that trigger them, especially while treating the condition.
1. Acidic fruits
Fruits are an important part of a nutritious diet, but acidic fruits can irritate the bladder and intensify UTI symptoms. So, one should avoid fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruit when treating a UTI. Other fruits listed among the foods that can trigger or worsen UTIs include apples, grapes, strawberries, pineapple, and peaches.
2. Spicy foods
Avoiding spices might be problematic for people who love spicy food and like to add a dash of spice to most of their dishes. Be it sprinkling pepper flakes on a pizza or eating curries extra hot, spices tend to worsen UTIs by irritating the bladder. So, one should opt for blander food when treating a UTI.
3. Foods with artificial sweeteners
Many people switch to artificial sweeteners when they are trying to eliminate sugar from their diet or bring down their calorie intake. That said, these artificial sweeteners can result in bladder irritation in some people.
4. Caffeinated beverages
This is bad news for people who cannot function without their morning cup of coffee. Caffeine can worsen UTI symptoms as it is a bladder irritant. It can exacerbate bladder infections and trigger flare-ups. Instead, one can switch to decaffeinated coffee or have a cup of herbal tea.
5. Alcohol
Beer, wine, or any other alcoholic beverage irritate the stomach if one has an ulcer or is prone to reflux. Additionally, they can trigger UTIs by irritating the bladder, especially when an individual already has a bladder infection. While fluid intake is necessary when treating a UTI, alcohol can do more harm than good. So, it’s best to take a break from the weekend binge drinking, at least while recovering from an infection.
6. Carbonated drinks
Sodas are known bladder irritants, especially for people with chronic bladder inflammation, and they can also aggravate a bladder infection. Regularly drinking caffeinated beverages aggravate UTI symptoms, so it’s best to stay away from them when treating the condition. Sodas with citrus flavors can be particularly harmful. Instead, one should stick to water or have cranberry juice to flush out the bacteria and speed up recovery.
One should make conscious choices to eliminate these foods that can trigger UTIs or aggravate the symptoms from their diet. This can help prevent any flare-ups and discomfort. Instead, one should include probiotic foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, and pickles to boost and maintain their gut health.