Hemorrhoids – Types and Treatments

Hemorrhoids – Types and Treatments

Hemorrhoids affects that 1 in 20 people in the country, of which at least 50% are above the age of 50. However, patients should keep in mind that not all hemorrhoids are the same or will have the same symptoms. In fact, there are four different types of hemorrhoids. Let us discuss the types and treatments of hemorrhoids to help you find quick and effective relief.

1. Types of Hemorrhoids
A patient may suffer from the following types of hemorrhoids:

  • Internal Hemorrhoids
    These are located inside rectum and generally heal on their own due to their location. They are usually asymptomatic. However, when parents do experience symptoms, it is mainly because of its size. Large hemorrhoids can lead to pain, itching, or burning sensation in the anal area.
  • External Hemorrhoids
    External hemorrhoids is what most people have in mind when they think about hemorrhoids. These are visible lumps that develop in the anal region. It is the location of this hemorrhoid that makes it distinguishable from an internal hemorrhoid. However, there are several differences between the two. While internal hemorrhoids may be completely unnoticeable and resolve on their own, external hemorrhoids are visible and produce agonizing symptoms, such as burning and painful itching, until they are cured. These symptoms occur during an activity, during a bowel movement, or when they are sitting.
  • Prolapsed Hemorrhoids
    These hemorrhoids are internal, large in size, and stick out from the anus. This formation is accompanied by the same symptoms of burning, pain, and itching, or no symptom at all. They are classified on the grade scale of 1 to 4:
    • Grade 1
      There is no prolapse as far as this grade is concerned.
    • Grade 2
      This is the grade when the hemorrhoid prolapses under pressure, such as in the middle of a bowel movement. However, it returns to its position on its own.
    • Grade 3
      For this grade, it is a prolapse that the patient can push back themselves
    • Grade 4
      For this grade, the prolapse too painful to be pushed back
  • Thrombosed Hemorrhoids
    They can be both internal and external in which a blood clot, known as thrombosis, is developed. Symptoms include itching, pain, redness, swelling, and burning. The area around this hemorrhoid also turns blue in color. The patient must be given quick treatment to prevent damage to the adjoining tissue due to loss of blood supply.

2. Treatment of Hemorrhoids
Treatment depends on the type of hemorrhoid and seriousness of your symptoms. But you can try the following remedies for quick relief at home:

  • Over-the-counter (OTC) Hemorrhoid Cream
    Buy an OTC hemorrhoid cream to relieve pain and swelling.
  • Pain Relief Medication
    There are quite a few OTC medications that can help relieve pain.
  • Cold Compress
    Use frozen vegetables or an ice pack to alleviate pain and swelling.
  • Warm Water Soak
    Sit in a tub of warm water for at least 10-15 minutes for pain relief.

Educating yourself about the types and treatments of hemorrhoids will help you recognize the warning signs in time.